Everything is energy. You are energy, and your business is energy too. When working with business energies, I see a structure similar to the chakra system. Over time, I’ve developed an understanding of how this applies to your business. Blocks manifest as thick, murky chakras that aren’t spinning or open, which provides insight into why you might feel stuck, uninspired, or caught in procrastination.
What Are Business Chakras?
Business chakras are energy vortexes—the chi or life force energy that flows through your business. Imbalances in these chakras can manifest as challenges, problems, and obstacles in your professional life. By evaluating your business chakras, you can identify where balance is needed most.
Understanding the Business Chakra System

The image above illustrates the chakra system in ascending order. The Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras are often referred to as the “lower” chakras, while the Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras are the “upper” chakras. All these chakras are interconnected and require attention and care for balance and optimal flow.
There is a clear connection between their functions in business:
- Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras relate to the foundation and structure of your business.
- Heart and Throat Chakras relate to the expansion of your business.
- Third Eye Chakra relates to your business alignment.
- Crown Chakra relates to transformation.
Let’s explore each chakra in detail.
Your business foundation
The Root Chakra: Your Business Foundation
The Root Chakra represents your foundation and sense of being grounded and safe. It concerns your sense of identity, stability, and security. When out of balance, you may feel restless, spacey, afraid of things not working, and lack financial security.
In a business context, this chakra equates to your business framework, money, profitability, organisational structure, and physical space. Here are some key areas it covers:
- Identifying Your Most Aligned Client: Are you clear on who your ideal client is?
- Understanding Client Issues and Pains: Do you know what problems you are addressing for your clients?
- Defining Outcomes and Delivery: Can you articulate the outcomes you provide through your packages and programs?
- Aligning Pricing with Energy and Experience: How will you be financially rewarded? Does your pricing feel aligned with your energy and experience?
- Client Journey: Do you have a clear journey for your clients from initial contact and beyond?
- Physical Workspace: Is your working environment organised and conducive to productivity, both physically (comfort, light, equipment) and energetically (uplifting images, photos, books, music, crystals)?
The Sacral Chakra: Your Business Creativity and Community
The Sacral Chakra represents your relationships and is the center of your creativity, sense of abundance, and community. When it is out of balance, you may feel overly emotional, experience significant mood swings (from “This is a fabulous idea, I’m so excited” to “I will never make this business work”), and feel discontent, constantly striving without satisfaction.
In business development, this chakra corresponds to your mission, passion, vision, and marketing activities. Here are some key areas to consider:
- Opportunities for Creative Expression: Do you have avenues for creativity in your business? Are you crafting blog posts, podcasts, videos, or similar content?
- Satisfaction with Branding: Are you happy with your branding and the market position you’ve taken? How are you and your business perceived by others?
- Focused Energy on Social Media: Are you spreading yourself thin across multiple social media platforms, or are you concentrating on the two or three that will be most effective for you?
- Supportive Business Friend: Do you have at least one business friend who provides love and support on your entrepreneurial journey?
- Community Involvement: Are you part of a community of like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey and can offer connection and sounding boards?
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power and Values
The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your self-esteem, ego, personal power, and sense of self. It governs your confidence, self-worth, reliance on your own judgment, and inner promptings. When balanced, it brings a sense of contentment, reinforcing that your unique self has value for others.
When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience persistent self-doubt, even in the face of evidence of your abilities and impact. You might frequently fall into the comparison trap, need constant reassurance, and find decision-making difficult. It’s common to feel that others have the answers and to follow “gurus” instead of trusting your internal compass.
Consider these questions:
- Acknowledging Strengths: Are you able to recognise and appreciate your strengths?
- Valuing Experiences: Can you see how your life experiences hold significant value for you and your clients?
- Addressing Limiting Beliefs: Are you aware of any limiting beliefs you hold, and do you have a modality or approach to work through them?
- Claiming Expertise: Have you claimed your area of expertise, and can you articulate this clearly?
- Avoiding Comparison: Do you often compare yourself to others online and feel inadequate compared to their achievements?
- Trusting Your Adaptations: Do you feel the need to follow exact systems set by coaches or guides, or can you take a framework and adapt it based on your own experience?
I believe these three chakras—the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus—along with their corresponding areas of business development, form the foundation of your business. They need to be well-defined for you to build upon. Any challenges in growing your business to meet your vision and goals are likely related to imbalances or gaps in these foundational aspects.
Practical and Energetic Approaches to Rebalancing
From a practical perspective, pausing and reassessing your business model can be beneficial. Engaging with a business mentor or joining a network or entrepreneurial community can also provide valuable support.
From an energetic perspective, here are some actions you can take to help rebalance these foundational chakras:
- Root Chakra (Base)
- Element: Earth
- Colour: Red
- Actions: Grounding exercises, using black obsidian and patchouli oil.
- Sacral Chakra
- Element: Water
- Colour: Orange
- Actions: Epsom salt baths or scrubs, using carnelian and ylang-ylang oil.
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Element: Fire
- Colour: Yellow
- Actions: Getting sunshine, using citrine crystal and lemon essential oil.
Your Business Expansion
Once the foundation and basic structure of your business are securely in place, sustained growth and development are more likely to occur. This doesn’t mean that the Expansion, Alignment, and Transformation stages have to wait the typical 1-3 years it takes to build a foundation. As we oscillate, evolve, and find our ground, we can experience glimpses or even extended periods of operating in the upper chakras of our business. However, it is challenging to remain in these upper levels without maintaining a strong foundation.
When these chakras are balanced and healthy, we can go beyond the basics of our businesses, expanding and refining our offerings, leveraging our unique experiences, sharing our stories, and becoming more visible in the marketplace as leaders. Let’s explore the upper chakras:
Heart Chakra: Heart-Centered Leadership
The Heart Chakra represents your sense of love and compassion, hope and harmony, enthusiasm and joy. When it is open and engaged, you are energized to “follow your heart” and create a business that reflects your true self and your desire to connect and contribute as you pursue your dreams.
When it is out of balance, you may feel anxious and fearful, with a core of loneliness, sadness, and disconnection. You might become bitter about your work and feel that others don’t care about it, leading to a sense of having “lost your heart for it.” It’s also common to over-give, feel a heavy sense of responsibility for your clients, and feel the need to fix them, not allowing them the space they need to stumble, fall, learn, and grow.
Consider these questions:
- Feeling “On Purpose”: Do you feel you are doing the work that you’re meant to do and love?
- Connecting to a Bigger Purpose: Is your work connected to a bigger purpose, an issue, or a cause you feel passionate about?
- Comfort in Selling: Are you comfortable selling your services and products, understanding that sales are an open invitation to transformation for your audience?
- Core Message Connection: Do you feel connected to your core message? Does it reflect how you truly feel, coming from the heart rather than what you think you should say and deliver?
- Balancing Heart and Payment: Do you balance “following your heart” with receiving payment, seeing an energetic balance between the two?
- Supporting Clients: Do you see yourself as a supporter of your clients, a link in their chain of support?
- Maintaining Healthy Boundaries: Do you have healthy boundaries, giving openly but not excessively?
- Avoiding Victim Patterns: Do you fall into victim patterns, blaming external circumstances instead of looking internally for responsibility and action where appropriate?
- Releasing Resentments: Are you holding onto any resentments against yourself or others, such as being harsh on yourself for a less successful launch?
Throat Chakra: Self-Expression and Communication
The Throat Chakra represents your self-expression and communication, your ability to speak your truth openly and honestly, and your capacity to be open to others’ opinions and thoughts without being unduly influenced by them. It’s about making clear choices and acting on them with integrity.
Your creativity, based in your Sacral Chakra, seeks expression and manifestation through your Throat Chakra. Conversely, this chakra is also about active listening—truly hearing and understanding what another person has to say, not just listening to respond or only hearing what confirms your perspective or expectation.
When it is out of balance, you may hold back, stuck in procrastination or perfectionism due to doubt about your truth and how it will be perceived. This can lead to being overly caught up in knowledge gathering—thinking, “one more course, one more qualification, one more program, and THEN I will be ready to share.” A blockage here can make you hesitant to be seen, stopping you from publishing blog posts and other self-promotional content, thus restraining your expansion.
Consider these questions:
- Effective Communication: Are you effectively communicating your message, what you stand for, believe in, and want for your clients, through your copywriting on your website, blog posts, social media, and newsletters? Is there a disconnect between how you feel and what you say?
- Creative Expression: Is your creativity being expressed through your ideas, services, and projects, or do you feel stifled?
- Completion of Programs: How many programs have you bought but not completed? Are you stuck in the “knowledge gathering” trap?
- Perfectionism: Is perfectionism stopping you from sharing your work with the world?
- Authentic Messaging: Do you find yourself searching for “the right way to do xyz” instead of allowing your own message, voice, and perspective to shape what you do?
- Fear of Judgment: Are you afraid of being judged negatively for not having “the right answers”?
- Sales Confidence: Do you find it difficult to “ask for the sale” for your services?
When these two chakras are attended to, they allow you to move beyond the “nuts and bolts” of business building and expand into your deeper purpose and message. They are often ignited in a Next Chapter Business, where we move into a deeper connection with our desire to contribute and make a difference. When balanced, you can connect to your heart and confidently share your unique message with your audience without needing it to be “perfect,” understanding that this is an evolution, not a revolution.
Practical and Energetic Approaches to Rebalancing
From a practical perspective, take the time to audit and assess your core service offerings and marketing messages to ensure they reflect what you truly want to do and say. Identify where you are holding back or censoring yourself. Consider where you have the urge to make a change, move in a new direction, or begin something new that you really want to do but have been hesitant about. To coin a phrase, “tune into your heart and just do it!” Joining a speaking group or a similar workshop can also help you speak with confidence.
From an energetic perspective, here are some actions you can take to help rebalance these expansion chakras:
- Heart Chakra
- Element: Air
- Colour: Green
- Actions: Wear green, drink green tea, use rose quartz and lavender oil.
- Throat Chakra
- Element: Ether
- Colour: Blue
- Actions: Wear blue, sing anywhere, use turquoise, and frankincense oil.
Your Business Alignment
This experience encompasses the maturing of your business, an alignment phase that opens during your entrepreneurial journey as you begin to recognize that this is about much more than meeting a market need or even following your heart. At this stage, your larger vision of what is possible through your business emerges, and you align yourself with that possibility. Please note that this alignment does not equate to the size or scope of your business; “success” needs to be defined by you. There is no separation between who you are and what you stand for and deliver. You are perfectly aligned at all times, authentic and open.
Third Eye Chakra: Wisdom and Intuition
The Third Eye Chakra is all about perception, intuition, awareness, clear vision, and guidance. It requires you to trust the messages, thoughts, and ideas you receive and to trust yourself. When it is in balance, you understand at a deep level that you have the ability to create your reality. You more readily let go of old, outdated models of how things should be done and open to what’s possible.
An imbalance in this chakra can lead to closing down, not being able to “see the forest for the trees,” doubt and mistrust, frustration at the “shallowness” of the business world, and an inability to look within and recognize your infinite value and resourcefulness. Instead, you may fall under the spell of “gurus” who offer their way as the only path to success. You can also spend too much time dreaming and imagining rather than taking inspired action.
Consider these questions:
- Trusting Your Intuition: Do you honor and trust your intuition, acting on its guidance, or do you tend to dismiss it, believing that it is not solid and dependable?
- Internal vs. External Solutions: When you are seeking a solution to a challenge, do you first look inside for that solution, or do you tend to seek an external source of authority and experience?
- Creating Without Urgency: Do you allow yourself time to create, or do you have a sense of urgency that it “needs to be done immediately”?
- Inspired Action: Have you begun to let go of the way things “should be done” in your business and instead feel you are often taking inspired action?
- Connection to Purpose: Do you have a connection to the bigger purpose behind your business beyond the services you provide, and does this feeling invigorate you?
- Feeling Blocked or Frustrated: Conversely, are you feeling blocked or frustrated, trapped in a sense of being on the cusp of great things but not being able to break through?
- Overanalysing vs. Instinct: Do you overanalyse things, getting caught up in too much thinking rather than simply feeling and going with your instincts?
Practical and Energetic Approaches to Rebalancing
I’ve found for myself, and the business leaders I work with, that there is always a deeper purpose behind what we do—a calling, so to speak. Allowing yourself time and space to explore this by turning inward, looking at your past experiences and stories, pondering the lessons behind them, and considering what you can share as a result is the place to start.
From an energetic perspective, here are some actions you can take to balance:
- Third Eye Chakra:
- Element: Light
- Colour: Indigo
- Actions: Wear indigo, meditate, use amethyst, and apply clary sage oil.
Your Business Transformation
The Crown Chakra represents the pinnacle of our development, both in business and in life. When we engage with this Chakra, we experience a profound connection with the divine, leading to a sense of peace, harmony, clarity, meaning, and fulfillment, along with a deep devotion to the well-being of others.
Transformation through the Crown Chakra involves understanding your Life Purpose and recognizing how your business plays a role in manifesting this purpose. It is about realizing that everything and everyone is interconnected and acknowledging your unique role—perhaps even an obligation—in this grand, beautiful dance.
This transformation is not a destination but rather an ongoing evolution. It’s a gradual unveiling of new layers of purpose in your work as you move closer to your core. You will likely revisit this transformative state multiple times throughout your Next Chapters.
When the Crown Chakra is out of balance, you may experience a loss of identity and purpose. This imbalance can lead to exhaustion, a sense of meaninglessness in your work, and feelings of sadness, guilt, and unworthiness.
Consider these questions:
- Creating Space for Contemplation: Do you allow time in your days for contemplation, or do you over-schedule with no space to process your experiences?
- Letting Go of Multitasking: Have you let go of multitasking and scattered energy?
- Seeking Higher Guidance: Have you sought connection with a Higher Power, the Universe, or Source for guidance in your work?
- Anchoring in the Present Moment: Are you able to stay anchored in the present moment, rather than fixating on the future or dwelling on the past? The present is your point of power, receptivity, and creativity.
- Consciously Seeking Inspiration: Do you consciously seek out inspiration from places, people, music, or spiritual practices that reveal the beauty of the world?
Practical and Energetic Approaches to Rebalancing
Exploring spiritual texts and destinations, nurturing your curiosity, and being guided by love can significantly enhance your Crown Chakra. Engaging in wholehearted conversations with like-minded, purpose-driven individuals will also support this process. Stay connected to your “why” and allow it to deepen over time. If you seek additional guidance, consider working with a Mentor who is committed to both strategic growth and self-belief, and who respects your vision and alignment with your purpose.
From an energetic perspective, here are some actions you can take to open and balance your Crown Chakra for both personal and business transformation:
- Element: Consciousness (“I am”)
- Colors: Purple or White
- Actions: Wear purple or white, visit soul-lifting places such as mountains, oceans, or open countryside, use crystals like clear quartz, and sandalwood oil.
In which chakra do you see the most imbalances? Do your goals reflect needed changes and require you to take action? Want some help? See my Business Alignment Sessions.